We provide tailor-made coastal and marine solutions to a wide range of problems facing coastal and marine sectors of the blue economy. They range from the environment to coastal community development and planning.
Our Services
Blue Economy Planning
We leverage monitoring tools for social-economical assessments and develop fisheries management plans, strategies, operational plans, and value chains. Offer ecological and environmental studies for coastal and marine development projects and model natural systems and phenomena using GIS and remote sensing technology.
Community Development
We provide solutions to challenges facing coastal communities and fisher folks, we manage grants and develop project portfolios. Provide skills and mentorship in the governance of community-based organizations and Beach Management Units (BMUs).
Urban environment planning
Provision of environmental solutions to problems affecting coastal cities. This includes Urban environmental policy analysis and development.
Our Projects

Value chain analysis of the Nile Perch Fishery in Lake Victoria, in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
A consultancy commissioned by the Responsible Fish Value Chains Project of GIZ-Uganda and Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) in 2018 where GIZ was the client and LVFO the beneficiary. The main goal of the consultancy was to lay down a foundation for the support of the Nile perch fish value chain development actions in the East Africa region. This was achieved through analysis of Value Chain of the Nile Perch fishery in the major countries surrounding Lake Victoria (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), followed by a validation workshop of the findings by stakeholders.

Facilitation of Development of Joint Co-Management Area (JCMA) plan for the Shimoni-Vanga Seascape, Kenya
A project funded by the World Bank and implemented by the department of Fisheries and the Blue Economy on behalf of government of Kenya. COMRED Coastal Consulting facilitated the development of the Joint Co-Management Area (JCMA) plan for the Shimoni-Vanga Seascape for improved, integrated management of Kenya’s coastal and marine fisheries resources.

Environmental Impact Monitoring for the first Lower NetWork II (LION 2) submarine fiber optic cable.
The Orange-Telcom fiber optic cable landed in Kenya for the first time. We provided technical services for impact monitoring of the landfall and subsequent base station at its entry point in Kenya. We also did an environmental audit a year later to monitor its impacts on marine environment.

Ecological and socio-economic impact assessment studies for the 1st three berths of the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport Project (LAPPSET)
This Environmental Impact Assessment Study was funded by the government of Kenya for the development of the first three births of Lamu port. Being part of a bigger team, we provided technical services for ecological survey and socio-economic impacts, including development of a resettlement plan.

Maritime Safety and Security Survey for Coastal BMUs of Kenya
This survey was commissioned by the Expertise France, Maritime Security Project of Go Blue. It was the first of its kind in Kenya to assess the potential of BMUs in assisting law enforcement to address various safety and security issues in Kenya as well as identifying the main maritime safety and security issues impacting artisanal fisheries along the Kenya coast. Read more.

Mapping of Safety ‘Hot-Spots’ and Search and Rescue Assets along the Kenya Coastline
This survey was commissioned by the Expertise France, Maritime Security Project of Go Blue. The project was done for the first time in Kenya and was conducted in partnership with Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS), Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and other government and non-government departments involves in Search and Rescue operation in Kenya. Read more.
Get in touch
Tanjal Apartments,
2nd Avenue, Off Links Road Nyali, Mombasa - Kenya